Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Tests, Bulletin Boards, and Critters

I am so excited to have posted my first item on Teachers Pay Teachers!  I created a first grade math assessment for the first quarter.  It is aligned with common core and it includes numbers 1-50, addition, subtraction, word problems, least to greatest, representing numbers, tens frames, and comparing numbers. Check it out at my Teachers Pay Teachers Store for FREE!  I still have a lot to learn about creating, posting, and selling items, BUT today, I think I finally broke some ground!

In other news, check out our cute bulletin board!  It is called "Spooky Smiles"!  The children loved making silly/scary faces and getting their pictures taken.  Next, we did some descriptive writing and they described their face.  They worked so hard!

How cute is she?  "My Spooky Smile... It lux like a cat.  I look skery.  My handz are clos to my fais."  I am just so proud.  My kiddos did some awesome writing for this time in the school year!  I just LOVE first grade temporary spelling.  It makes me so proud to see them spell phonetically!

LAST, but certainly not LEAST!  I'd like to call myself a fabulous teacher because I have invited a creepy crawly creature to be our class pet for this week as long as he seems healthy.  I guess I have to admit, our little critter is pretty cute!  Thank goodness for one of my brave little fellas who holds him while I clean out the little cage.  I guess the hard part is getting the LIVING nasty insects in there for him to eat.  My little guy who caught it named him Sonic.

Happy Teaching!


  1. Yay! I'm so glad you started your own TpT shop! You're right, this first post will be the start of many more to come. So proud of you and looking forward to being one of your followers. :)

  2. You have one of the most FANTASTIC backgrounds I've seen around. Amazing. Your blog is super cute. I have nominated you for a Liebster Award, please check out my blog for the details!
    Keep up the amazing work!
